Any Texans use Hazelwood Act for Law School or MBA?


5-Year Member
Aug 5, 2015
Any Texans who commissioned through ROTC, did their 4 or 5 on AD and used the Hazelwood Act for law school or an MBA?
How long do officers have to serve on AD to be eligible for full 100% GI Bill benefits?
Any Texans who commissioned through ROTC, did their 4 or 5 on AD and used the Hazelwood Act for law school or an MBA?
How long do officers have to serve on AD to be eligible for full 100% GI Bill benefits?

Note the ADSO required by either service academy or ROTC program does not count toward the 36 additional months AD required for eligibility for 100% Post-9/11 GI Bill educational benefit. AD time less than 36 months gets prorated to a percentage of the benefit. A SA or ROTC grad would have to serve a minimum of original ADSO + 36 months for 100%.

For the most accurate answers, research or find a certified benefits counselor or veteran service officer (VSO). Veteran organizations such as American Legion, VFW, DAV, etc., have volunteer certified benefits counselors. You don’t have to join their organization. Counties and states often have veterans’ affairs (can be different names) offices providing benefits counseling. There are vet community centers with benefits counselors.

Each state has its own set of veterans’ benefits, different from the federal VA benefits. If you are a Texas resident, look for their website - could be bureau of veterans’ affairs, military and veterans department, etc. This is an unofficial source but reliable:

I know you have already found the Hazlewood Act.

Of course, all the services offer opportunities to obtain a Master’s degree while on AD, either full-time duty as a student or after-hours/remote, with Tuition Assistance funding. Services also have JAG programs you can competitively apply to transfer into, get your law school covered, and then serve as a JAG.