AOG Scholarship Chance, What are the Odds?


New Member
Feb 13, 2024

I’m currently a cadet candidate for the USMA Class of 2028. During a visit to West Point a few months ago, I sat down with my RC, who informed me that due to my district's high competitiveness, admission odds were very unlikely, despite being currently 3Q'd with a Nom. However, they expressed interest in recommending me for an AOG scholarship for the upcoming school year at a JMC.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago, I received word from my RC that he has recommended me for civil prep, and I am currently under consideration.

I just wanted to jump on here and ask if there was any way of knowing my odds, and/or if there is a timeframe for when I should hear back regarding the recommendation. Does a recommendation from an RC represent a positive chance? I am deeply interested in attending a JMC to secure an appointment and wanted to assess the possibilities.

Thank you very much!
It is a good sign that they (the RC and Admissions) reached out to you. You should hear some news over the next number of weeks. Best of luck!