Army ROTC fitness test - end of the road?


5-Year Member
Jun 25, 2016

I’ve done my best to research this topic on this forum and on the internet but I still am not clear. I have read ClarksonArmy posts but I’d still like current input as I remain confused and concerned.

DS took his Army ROTC fitness test. His scores are:

Push Ups 56

Sit Ups 37

1 Mile Run 6:45

Are these failing scores and his Army ROTC chance is over? The scores are already sent in.

Thank you so much.
Remember, the "real" test is (2) minutes long for each event and the run is (2) miles....I roughly doubled your son's scores and deducted 10% and came up with an approximate score of 260 (out of 300). Not overwhelming but a solid score and one nobody would give you much grief about. For example, he would only need 13 more push-ups in the extra minute to max out on the points and you can get "bonus" points as well.
According to Robert Kirkland's The Insider's Guide to the Army ROTC Scholarship For High School Students, your son earned 132 out of the 150-points available.

Your son maxed the push-ups so he earned 50/50 (50 push-ups in one minute is the maximum). He earned 37/50 points on the sit-ups (continue to strengthen the core) and 45/50 on the mile run.