Army ROTC Questions

Daughter had a similar path. 3rd ACT try she had a 22. Her issue, she couldn’t finish the test in time (SAT was worse). Not finishing the ACT she couldn’t increase her score to get the minimum 24 for full points on the interview. The advice she got was to retake the test again and apply for the second board. When you have enough posts to message me I can share the program she used that made a huge difference and her final setting she got a 25 and a superscore of 26.
Did she end up getting into the ROTC w a scholarship?
Yes, a 3 year and then was upgraded at school
to a 3.5 year. She is currently a MS4 and will graduate and commission in May.
Read the above about accommodations. My daughter doesn’t have anything that would need accommodations, not sure about the OP’s daughter. But she did have test anxiety for standardized tests, not sure why. She did a prep program that focused on how to take the test better, it worked and in a short time (five weeks) was able to take it for the 4th and finish all 4 sections and that of course increased her score greatly. If not finishing the whole test is an issue for a student, then “there is an app for that”. Well not really, but there are programs. They are not all created the same. My daughter had tried 2 others and didn’t greatly help her.