AROTC Interview Question


5-Year Member
Dec 16, 2010
Hello all.

I am in the midst of applying for the Army ROTC In High-School Scholarship and am trying to figure out where I'm going to interview. The letter I got from Cadet Command included 5 local colleges where I can interview, and said I could go to another if I wanted. My question is whether I should go to VMI, since I'm going to go there and the PMS up there is a VMI grad himself, or if I should go to a local college. If I do go local, I'm planning to interview with one of the PMS's that is former Aviation, as I want to be a pilot. I'd really appreciate it if yall could tell me any thoughts, advice, or experiences with this.

Thanks alot in advance!
If VMI is your top school AND it is realistic for you to go there for the interview, I HIGHLY encourage you to do so. I just won an AROTC scholarship, and I think the reason I got what I did is because I went the extra mile to go to the #1 school to interview there. Getting the PMS to match a name to a face is a big deal.
I agree, best to go to your first choice and interview there.
Make an appointment and overnight w/a cadet if you can.
Also agree with gojack. I had the opportunity to do this at my top school. I flew in mid-day Sunday, did the interview immediately, then had all afternoon and the night with one of their cadets. I got to see his "life" and meet a bunch of other ROTC cadets. Super cool kids. The battalion is relaxed, and I like that, plus I got the PT test done the next day. One of the most productive 24 hours of my life.

So the moral of my story? STAY THE NIGHT WITH A CADET. You really need to feel that click with a school and a battalion.
Thanks guys! I've already been accepted to VMI and I've spent the night too (plus I lived in that sort of environment for nine days this summer, so I know I want it). My grandad lives 30mins north of VMI, so I'll just go spend the night there.
The more involved you are , the more time you spend there, the better your chances.
Face-time is important. Never get over-confident, Spend as much time there as you possibly can.
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