AROTC PT Uniforms

I am curious. So for AROTC cadets they don't have the option to keep their uniforms? For AFROTC, at least for my DS, they had an option keep them, but no 1 time uniform allowance or hand them back and buy new using the allowance.
~ Many rated cadets keep the uniforms because they will wear their blues or ABUs so rarely it just was easier. Our DS handed back, but that was due to the fact we slowly purchased every birthday/Xmas uniforms. He than kept the money as a graduation gift from us.

It is my understanding AROTC cadets get to keep their ABU uniforms and return all equipment. As for the Army dress uniforms, Army cadets use enlisted dress uniforms during their time as cadets so I guess those get returned as well and the newly minted LT. gets to go shopping.

Technically, AROTC cadets cannot keep their ACUs, they must be turned in along with everything else minus things like t shirts, socks, boots, PT cap, ACU PC, and a few other things. However, sometimes schools run into situations where they are able to get sets of ACUs off their hands in one way or another, and those usually end up in the hands of cadre and cadets. That may be where you've seen it. They used to be able sell cadets their sets of ACUs at reduced cost, but it is my understanding that that is no longer possible. Be prepared to go shopping for all your uniforms prior to commissioning and anything you get is just a bonus.

Edit: just saw JCleppe said essentially all of the above.