Black and Gold Crossfit


5-Year Member
Jul 29, 2011
I have been doing Crossfit for a while now and recently found out about the Black and Gold Crossfit box at WestPoint. They meet at 0530 in Arvin. I was wondering if as a plebe I would have the time to go everyday. Also does this count as a sport? I feel as though one day I can make it to the Crossfit games especially if I had a local box. Does anyone have any information about Black and Gold Crossfit.
No, it would not count as a sport. Your chances to go as a plebe will be dictated by which morning duties you are assigned.
You can absolutely go do crossfit early in the morning as a plebe. It can get pretty tiring doing this everyday though when you are up all night doing homework. I think tryouts for that team were early first semester. You would probably still have to do some form of IM sports with your company though.
Thanks, I guess I will be doing as much Crossfit as my body, mind, and time schedule allows. I'm going to tryout for the boxing team since Crossfit is not an official sport yet.