C/O '26 parents - place to commiserate and share. Roller coaster for the next 3 years!

... according to DS, he will be notified of the base two weeks prior to summer cruise. I'm waiting also so I can get tickets from embarkation point to leave location.
We want to try and see how the littlest dude does with flying (never been on a plane before), so I've been tossing around the idea of taking him on a flight to see the Mid during one of his blocks. Definitely an iffy prospect as things need to be super flexible.

(Not too mention, I have yet to discuss that idea with the boss - mom!!).
... ah, traveling with toddlers.

* Air pressure on ears. Train him how to dislodge the air bubbles. Hold nose and blow. Discomfort makes most babies cry, some toddlers.

* Families with small children. Take advantage of this period. First to board like VIP. Did this with DS since he was 3... until 7, when the gate agents caught the caper, "Sir, go back to the end of the line."

*Brave and independent. "Dad, I'm hungry." Bring snacks and games. I think DS (4 yrs old) bought his first hotdog in the airport by himself. I was standing about 3 feet from him.

*Luggage with wheels. Take advantage of this period like the VIP treatment with small children. DS used to just clamp down on the luggage and off we go. No one can see, it's just luggage, until they look closely... there's a kid on the luggage.

*Coat or hooded sweatshirt. Bring a jacket. Some aircraft gets cold. We took a Space-A once on
a KC-35 Tanker. The aircraft was freezing (heater broken) with your breath forming a condensation. I think he was only 5 at the time. Parental instinct kicked in. I literally stripped and put the clothes on him. He was having fun riding a military aircraft.

* European Travelers. It's just a military operation when we travel complete with military commands and slangs. Our favorites are "execute" and "move out." On this one flight, ten Swedish business men observed the military precision during deplaning. "Move out, Execute." And they've never seen it before and started laughing. My son and I gave them a stinky eye.
Is visiting your Mid even possible during summer blocks? Do they have the time? I'm looking back at my own son's sessions. I guess if he ended up in Hawaii and had leave time right after I would think about it, but otherwise...
Is visiting your Mid even possible during summer blocks? Do they have the time? I'm looking back at my own son's sessions. I guess if he ended up in Hawaii and had leave time right after I would think about it, but otherwise...
Warning...Their travel decisions are due early, regarding whether they are taking USNA travel or their own.
Lots of stories around like southern CA MIDNs having to fly back to BWI after SD Protramid just to fly back to CA for leave.
All grades but one are in for the dude. Mixture of various levels of a B bookended with a C+ in Fun Math and an A in Ethics. Still awaiting his Applied Math class.

So, struggles in his major class, but does it with good moral character. ;)

He's happy with it all. Now, he's chilling at home for a few days. All is well!
Same day as Herndon?

Kid has to head back this evening as he has watch tomorrow starting at 0600. Been a good, chill mini-week with him. Lots of play time with his littlest bro.

He was also very happy that he got a B in Aptitude instead of a C! All grades are due in by tomorrow, so the kids will know where they stand in AOM/OOM.
Exams through Friday for mine. He is helping with sea trials, so no intercessional leave this year. He will spend half of his leave block in France with glee club for D-Day activities with a group of vets. Internship 2nd block and sub cruise 3rd block. Not much time at home.
Nice! DH fondly remembers his trips with Glee Club that used personal leave time - priceless, one-of-a-kind memories and experiences. Glee Club members in his class still huddle together at reunions and sing snatches of sea chanteys and other things they remember.
Dant's list for the dude!

Not sitting great overall for his OOM though (in the mid-600's with a current class of 1118), but still has had only one C during his USNA academic career (in Fun. Math), so in all, I think he is doing great. This semester was definitely a hard one for classes!

I'm still super proud - as you can tell. ;)

Shellback later today, after Herndon. (His company's Plebes also got 2nd in Sea Trials, so some company pride there).
Dant's list for the dude!

Not sitting great overall for his OOM though (in the mid-600's with a current class of 1118), but still has had only one C during his USNA academic career (in Fun. Math), so in all, I think he is doing great. This semester was definitely a hard one for classes!

I'm still super proud - as you can tell. ;)

Shellback later today, after Herndon. (His company's Plebes also got 2nd in Sea Trials, so some company pride there).
what is shellback?
what is shellback?
Severn Shellback, a culminating event for third class (sophomore) midshipmen to reinforce lessons of honor, courage, and commitment.
Severn Shellback at end of 3/C year, providing a physical test to mark the end of their time as underclassman and a defining line before summer cruise and 2-for-7.

I saw some last year after Herndon. Seemed like part was a swim across College Creek from Alumni Hall to hospital Point. Not sure what else is involved.