Cell Phones


5-Year Member
Jun 28, 2010
I am trying to decide on weather my son should bring a phone. Is it worth it? Do they have land line phones for them to use? Any suggestions would be appreciated. One more week!!
Absolutely bring a cell phone. At first calls will be very limited and plebe candidates will have their phones stored with one of the officers. Send the phone and the charger in a zip-top bag with your son's name on it (make sure it's fully charged ahead of time).
Our DS was able to call home twice during Indoc-the second Sunday he was there and 1 other Sunday. His first 5 minute call home was literally 4:59 and you could hear in the background the countdown of minutes and seconds. It was wonderful to hear his voice but I really can't tell you much more about that call.:eek:~he was so worried about the countdown of time.

After Indoc, they would receive the phones on Sunday afternoon and sometimes he would call but other times he would just shoot us a quick email because he didn't want to take the time to be outside to make the call and stand at attention while doing so.

When we went for Parent Weekend he wasn't given his phone until we left Saturday night so it was a little tough meeting up with him when we got there on Friday since he wasn't sure of his obligations and when we would get there.