Changing majors


10-Year Member
Apr 8, 2013
My DS received the NROTC scholarship. When he applied he indicated a Tier 2 Civil Engineering degree. This is also the major he indicated on his college apps. He's been doing some research and thinks he wants to major in Mechanical instead. I know the school he is interested in incorporates numerous engineering fields in their freshman curriculum so he would have the opportunity to experience both first before making a steadfast decision at school. I suggested that he wait before changing anything (both school and NROTC) until after freshman year when he takes that intro to engineering class just in case he likes Civil. I know he would have no problem with changing majors at school, but does anyone have any insight with NROTC if he decided to change from Civil to Mechanical. I would assume there shouldn't be a problem since it's a Tier 2 to a Tier 1 major. Do you agree its a good idea to wait. Thoughts?
Well, it's never guaranteed but I wouldn't expect a problem either. However, he must still make a request to change the major and it goes up the CoC. The decision, as I recall, is not made within the unit. It could be a case of their counting on x number of Civil Engineering majors in his class year and not authorize the change. Again, I wouldn't really anticipate a problem but want to point out the potential pit falls.
Well, it's never guaranteed but I wouldn't expect a problem either. However, he must still make a request to change the major and it goes up the CoC. The decision, as I recall, is not made within the unit. It could be a case of their counting on x number of Civil Engineering majors in his class year and not authorize the change. Again, I wouldn't really anticipate a problem but want to point out the potential pit falls.
I think he's better off waiting and going through CoC after he experiences some classes instead of trying to change now before he is absolutely certain. But...let's say he does decide to change and it is not approved. Would the request to change negate the scholarship or could he decide to stay with Civil as originally approved and keep the scholarship. Lotta what if's ...but I'm looking at all options.
Tier 1 to Tier 2 isn't much of a problem and vice versa (Since it only needs the approval of the CO); Tier 2 to 1 probably is less, since you're going from a technical major to another one that's more desired by the Navy. But anything to Tier 3 requires you to go up before a Navy board, and you're usually told that you can either lose your scholarship and switch or keep it and stay in your major.
Making the switch to mechanical from civil will be easy and as you suggested just wait until he has to decide. There probably is no difference in the classes he will take freshman year. Mechanical and civil engineering require very similar skill sets, so if he thinks he would like civil he will probably also like mechanical. Making the change with his NROTC batallion will be easy.
I know this is a relatively old thread but I am currently enrolled as a civil engineer but may decide to switch to CS after the fall semester (so both Tier 2). How long does the process of switching usually take? Would I be able to start taking CS classes during spring semester?