Changing to a different Technical Major in AFROTC


New Member
Sep 7, 2021
Hello, I am currently on a Type 1 AFROTC scholarship with a Computer Science degree. However, I am not sure how future semesters will go due to not having much experience with programming. I was planning on switching to a Biochemistry and Biophysics major instead, since I am much more confident in my ability to keep my GPA high, which I know is important for Field Training and job selection. Does anyone know if I switch from one technical major to another will my scholarship be lost? (I found an older thread for switching from Technical to Non-technical major, but not for technical to technical).

All and any help is greatly appreciated!
Ask your chain of command and let us know what you find out - before that conversation, read this information: (official link).

Highly Desired Technical Majors: Computer Science (yep), Biochemistry (yep), Biophysics (no, but confirm if this falls under "Physics - Other" which is listed). All tech majors MUST be bachelor of science, not arts or other.
BTW, GPA is important but there are people with very high GPAs who were not invited to advance after 2 years, so keep all feet on all gas pedals even with a 4.0 - it is not golden ticket to safety - research examples from MIT approx. 4 years ago.
Switching to a Tier 3 is difficult. Switching from Tier 1 to Tier 2 is sometimes allowed.

I earned a BA in Comp Sci in college. I didn't have a lick of programming knowledge in '70 when I started. If I could do it, you can too. I had to repeat the weed-out assembler language course and aced it the second time. I flourished in the fast changing industry for 40 years. It was fun. It just takes perseverance and applied logic.
You need to talk to your Cadre. They are the only ones that can authorize the start of the change. My DD was successful in going from a Tier 1 to a language, but her Cadre supported the change. And don't be surprised if they change your Tier 1 to a Tier 2 scholarship (if they still exist).
Hello, I am currently on a Type 1 AFROTC scholarship with a Computer Science degree. However, I am not sure how future semesters will go due to not having much experience with programming. I was planning on switching to a Biochemistry and Biophysics major instead, since I am much more confident in my ability to keep my GPA high, which I know is important for Field Training and job selection. Does anyone know if I switch from one technical major to another will my scholarship be lost? (I found an older thread for switching from Technical to Non-technical major, but not for technical to technical).

All and any help is greatly appreciated!
My DS went from Mech/Aero to Civil Engineering his 2nd year, absolutely no issues and no impact to his Type 1.