Congresman Seth Moulton-Why have I never heard of this guy?


10-Year Member
Dec 6, 2011
Congressman Seth Moulton is my congressman and he is the real deal,very good guy! You will hear about him in the near future,he is a rising star in the democratic party.
Yes, I question the source...very one sided. I commend Congressman Seth Moulton and thank him for his obviously brave service to our country. With that said, taking an Iraqi refugee into his home, a refugee that he had an opportunity to vet extensively and decide for himself that he could be trusted does not mean that we should just open our borders and let 100,000 more in. Sorry. Not buying it.
With that said, taking an Iraqi refugee into his home, a refugee that he had an opportunity to vet extensively and decide for himself that he could be trusted does not mean that we should just open our borders and let 100,000 more in.

Good. We can agree that the US "should not just open our borders and let 100,000 more in." They should be properly vetted like Rep. Moulton's translator, who despite having risked his life for US troops and was vouched for by a decorated US marine, still had to wait a year for a visa.

Or like my wife of 35 years, who had to wait for six months for a visa after we were married, even having been vouched for by Senator Howard Baker.

No one, other than Cubans and maybe a few others, just shows up on US territory with a legal right to reside here. There is an extensive vetting process.
On the other hand, if you're from a VISA-free country like, say, Belgium (or almost anywhere else in Europe) & your name is Mohammed al-Kill-Infidels, you can hop on a plane in Brussels, fly to JFK in New York, take a cab to a gun show, fork over $1000 for an AK with hundreds of rounds, get another cab back to Times Square and start shooting!

Not much security in that scenario.

But 13 million Europeans (of whom I'm certain there some are Moslems) from VISA-free countries come to the US every year, with no screening or vetting of any kind. Something the US business & tourism industries love. Any debate about that going on? Nah! The business/tourism lobby has a lot more money to lavish on lobbyists who have the politicans ears (i.e. bribes) than do the 10,000 unwashed refugees fleeing Assad's hellhole in Syria.

Its all a political joke.