Essay style to aim for


But it is the same thing at "normal" colleges...they want smart kids with leadership and community service.

But there is a difference between: "Since I was a kid, I have always wanted to join the Armed Forces. I looked up to soldiers and leaders."
This could be written by anyone.

and "Noodles for breakfast again. I used to wonder why I couldn't have Captain Crunch like the other kids. Now I understand how retaining the culture of my father's country while living in American culture is important. This country accepted him when he had to leave because xxx and I want to pay that back in service."

This made me laugh. Thank you for the advice.
My drafts all have 5 paragraphs... :spacecraft: is it preferred to be 3 main segments? Or intro, 3 bp, and conclusion to wrap up 3 bps.

No, do it within the word/character count. I was trying to be funny. Pointing out that you really don’t even have much to paint your picture. It’s a challenge!

Good luck to you.