Good, Better & Best paths to avoid DoDMERB DQ for mild red/green color deficiency.


New Member
Nov 19, 2021
DS is a junior in high school exploring options to serve as a commission officer. He’s most interested in West Point, Texas A&M and U of Georgia are second runners up, followed by several colleges with Army ROTC programs. He can pass the eye exam for vivid red/green however I’m concerned that his mild red/green color deficiency will result in a DoDMERB DQ. Should he choose to change his college list based on this obstacle, it would be helpful to navigate the application process with some knowledge of the programs that are more or less forgiving in terms of color vision standards.

DS could cross his fingers and try to obtain a medical waiver for a program that normally does not accept candidates with a mild red/green color deficiency. Alternatively, he could apply to a program that definitely accepts candidates with mild red/green color deficiently (better option). Per @MullenLE response in another thread, "AFROTC, USAFA, and NROTC (USMC option) have NO color vision standards for accession." This would seem the best option but DS is pretty attached to the idea of joining the Army.

So my questions are…

  1. I could swear USMA was previously ok with mild red/green color deficiency. Is this still the case? If I'm wildly mistaken, did something change in the last year or so?
  2. Specifically, given his current school choices how likely is it that he can overcome the color vision obstacle (for accession only, he realizes special assignments may be limited later on)?
  3. Generally, is anyone familiar enough with the color vision standards to suggest what programs might be a good, better and best fit, in the form of a ranked list of sorts from most to least forgiving?
Sidenote: I suspect a ranked list may not be straight forward based on the number of candidates who feel blindsided (pun intended ;) by the medical exam process. If this question can’t be answered, perhaps someone could help me understand the nuances.

Thank you all in advance for your time.

Protective mama trying to keep all the options on the table for as long as possible.
(newbie here, please forgive any forum etiquette mistakes)
My DS has been appointed to USMA with the class of 2026. He has the same issue your DS has (can only see vivid green and red). He was found medically qualified because he could still see vivid green and red and did not need a waiver for West Point. I hope that is helpful.
DS is a junior in high school exploring options to serve as a commission officer. He’s most interested in West Point, Texas A&M and U of Georgia are second runners up, followed by several colleges with Army ROTC programs. He can pass the eye exam for vivid red/green however I’m concerned that his mild red/green color deficiency will result in a DoDMERB DQ. Should he choose to change his college list based on this obstacle, it would be helpful to navigate the application process with some knowledge of the programs that are more or less forgiving in terms of color vision standards.

DS could cross his fingers and try to obtain a medical waiver for a program that normally does not accept candidates with a mild red/green color deficiency. Alternatively, he could apply to a program that definitely accepts candidates with mild red/green color deficiently (better option). Per @MullenLE response in another thread, "AFROTC, USAFA, and NROTC (USMC option) have NO color vision standards for accession." This would seem the best option but DS is pretty attached to the idea of joining the Army.

So my questions are…

  1. I could swear USMA was previously ok with mild red/green color deficiency. Is this still the case? If I'm wildly mistaken, did something change in the last year or so?
  2. Specifically, given his current school choices how likely is it that he can overcome the color vision obstacle (for accession only, he realizes special assignments may be limited later on)?
  3. Generally, is anyone familiar enough with the color vision standards to suggest what programs might be a good, better and best fit, in the form of a ranked list of sorts from most to least forgiving?
Sidenote: I suspect a ranked list may not be straight forward based on the number of candidates who feel blindsided (pun intended ;) by the medical exam process. If this question can’t be answered, perhaps someone could help me understand the nuances.

Thank you all in advance for your time.

Protective mama trying to keep all the options on the table for as long as possible.
(newbie here, please forgive any forum etiquette mistakes)
I think you got AFROTC and USAFA confused with AROTC and USMA. I believe it should be AROTC, USMA, and NROTC MO that don't care about a color vision deficiency.

The Air Force pilots have to be able to distinguish those landing lights and navigation lights
FACTS: Color vision accession, not special duty later on (e.g.pilot)

Sea Services have substantial concerns re: color deficiency: USMMA, NROTC, USCGA, USNA (everyone admitted to the USNA, must meet Navy standards. USM selection/acceptance doesn't occur till late junior year)

Army must see vivid reg/green

AFROTC, USAFA, NROTC (USMC option) = No color vision requirements.:wiggle:
My DS has been appointed to USMA with the class of 2026. He has the same issue your DS has (can only see vivid green and red). He was found medically qualified because he could still see vivid green and red and did not need a waiver for West Point. I hope that is helpful.
Knowing your DS received an appointment is encouraging, thank you.