
New Member
Oct 6, 2023

I had a quick question regarding how one’s GPA would be seen. Foreign language is one of the most difficult classes at my school (currently doing IB) so I expect to receive a lower grade (I’ve gotten B’s in all my Spanish classes so far but I may get a C here). Would this affect any admission chances since my overall core average has been excellent (if I exclude Spanish since I’ve only made a B in AP Physics sophomore year but I’ve gotten all A’s otherwise)?
No. A single C in an IB language class is not going to move you from the "we definitely want to no way are you getting in no matter what". The whole process is cumulative. Academics. Athletics. Leadership. Your academics certainly include your GPA, but that is also adjusted for your school profile, testing, class rank, and teacher recommendations, among other things There are also interviews, essays, CFA, etc. Of course, you want to do as well as you can, and there is always someone who would have been next to get an appointment, but a single C in an IB language class, in and of itself, is nothing to sweat.
If you're a senior, likely admissions will not even see grades until updates are sent from your school at the end or after the bulk of decisions are made. Admissions will rescind appointments for Ds and Fs in certain classes.