How early should I get them turned in?

Admissions will accept scores post 31 January as long as the tests were taken prior to 31 January.
Thanks! We aren’t worried about Admissions but rather Senators & our Congressperson deadlines. He’s going to send them anyway, hoping they’ll be included 😉.
Sending updates to your MOC NOM application would depend on how they run their process. I have seen some that want ALL of the required information submitted in your application and won't take any updates. Probably helps them to simplify the application process and not have a bunch of other information continue to show up that has to be matched to an already submitted application. Another example about reading and following the MOC NOM application instructions. If they specifically say they do NOT want additional updates after submitting your application, then I would be sure to follow their instructions. Part of the application process is about the ability to follow their instructions which may change from what was done last year or several years ago.

I doubt submitting updated SAT/ACT scores will matter once they have conducted their interviews and made their selections. This is a thread about NOM's and clearly the SA'a allow for updating your information all during the application process.