How to "toss a basketball"?


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Aug 20, 2008
My best basketball toss is 61 feet, but most tend to be 57 feet. I've been at it for a while, but there hasn't been much change. I'm 6', 163 lbs, can do 9 pull-ups, 55 push-ups. Is there some technique which works better? If I lean back too much I'm off balance; same with too much hip twist. I need some help. I'm sure this will be like trying to describe how to tie a shoelace, but hopefully, with enough input, I'll get what everyone is saying. Thanks.
That question comes up every year, so you should scan back on older posts using the search function, you will find a lot of advice. It also tends to yield some lively discussion on what is/is not permitted!!!!!
i passed the cfa with 55 basketball throw, but some of my other tests were definitely better
this was how i scored, the mile and sit ups being the strongest and bb throw and shuttle run by far the worst
bb throw 55
pull ups 12 (i worked out this summer and ddi 23 at school recently, wish i had it in me during my cfa!)
shuttle run 8.5
sit ups 88
push ups 54
mile run 5:45