I am a Firstie (Class of 2020) -- Ask Me Anything

I must ask this Firstie. What's the stupidest thing to come out of the pie hole of an incoming 4C this year, in your experience?
Please regale us with at least one thing heard, which gave you pause. Perhaps privately, you even laughed about it later?
I was a Beast cadre member so of course there are some good stories to come out of that experience, being that the new cadets have little to no military or field experience.

One night the new cadets and the cadre we setting up a patrol base while out in the field. We had received instruction from higher that everyone was to put camouflage paint on their faces. We told this to the new cadets as they were pulling security and getting ready for the night. About 10 minutes later we get a call on the radio that camouflage facepaint is optional. We pass the new news onto the new cadets and not soon after, a new cadet comes over to the center of the patrol base where the cadre are stationed and this new cadet has completely smeared his face with black facepaint -- an excessive amount of facepaint. The only things you could see from his face were his eyes and his teeth. The new cadet asks the cadre in a sheepish voice, "Do we still have to put facepaint on?" All the cadre burst out laughing and told him no but it was worth it to keep the facepaint on. This was definitely a funny WTF moment for me. I guess you had to be there to get it.

Beast is one of the most transformative time for new cadets and cadre. The new cadets are learning how to Army while the cadre are learning how to Army well. There are a lot of funny stories that come out of Beast every year. I've heard of new cadets peeing on cadre in the middle of the night, new cadets running around with a torch of flaming underwear on a stick at night, new cadets doing and saying just about anything you can't imagine. This was one of the main reasons that I chose to be a Beast Cadre member. I knew that leading new cadets would be difficult but definitely rewarding.
Thanks for sharing. I think the funniest part of that story is the phrase "learning how to Army".

Being a Marine, I have used "Army" as a verb many times, but I really like yours. ;)
If you can see the humor in all of this after 4 years of training, you are well on your way to being a good JO.
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I totally get the humor. The absurd moments of life in uniform are some of the best bits.
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