Intercessional Leave


Mar 29, 2021
Now that Spring semester has started we can start looking forward to the rest of the AC year. Any thoughts/guesses when Intercessional leave could be? It looks like the final day of exam week is May 10. Herndon/Shellback would be on the 15th if last year's pattern is the same.
Some Mids also do not get intercessional leave. Just wanted ti bring awareness that those with zero block or other training obligations could miss this time period. Can’t remember, but I am sure a current mid can jump in, it could vary on exam completion?
In the years I’ve been here, it’s always been over Mothers Day weekend. One year, I got an absolute surprise. It was the best.

🌸 💗

EDIT: I’m talking about intercessional leave, not zero block
Intersessional leave is a fluid thing and not a regular holiday leave or summer training block formally shown on academic calendar. It depends on what USNA needs to get done in terms of prep for summer training and graduation.

As noted, Zero Block can trump those days of leave.

You just have to stay tuned and be flexible in your planning.
It’s typically between your last final and a couple days before sea trials. One of my years there it was not given, but that was a weird one given covid
Actually, OldRetSWO ..... they have a new thing they started last year called shellback. It is a river swim from the seawall to hospital point (about 200m). For 3/C rising to 2/C.

Not quite the significance of the one you mentioned. ;)
Was just going to add that - they appropriated the Shellback name and started it as a new tradition, just like they started Sea Trials some years ago.

I rather wish they had chosen another name, and left Shellback alone as a unique distinction. I do like the concept as a milestone for youngsters…why not something like “Crossing The Bar” to signify the proximity to 2 for 7 a few months hence. Nothing like being a sideline spectator and tendering my unneeded opinion as an ancient mariner.

DH is a shellback and a grad. He just snorted and rolled his eyes.
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In the moment that I saw the word “Intercessional” in the Title of this thread … I immediately thought of the WWE “Intercontinental” Championship …. And then I thought of Friday Night Smack Down …

This must be the 1st time I have seen “Intercessional” …. Is it a real word?
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Was just going to add that - they appropriated the Shellback name and started it as a new tradition, just like they started Sea Trials some years ago.

I rather wish they had chosen another name, and left Shellbsck alone as a unique distinction.
Concur. Maybe it should be called Baby Wog Day. Shellback? Nah! Card carrying shelbacks would be amused. The new Supe, undoubtedly a shellback, should put an end to this!;)

a period between two academic sessions or terms sometimes utilized for brief concentrated courses
I think “intersession” is more customarily used in a university setting.

“Intercession” carries with it that flavor of going to bat for something or someone.

But then again, English being what it is, and people using versions interchangeably (the possessive apostrophe being used for plurals and any other number of transgressions), I suspect the dictionaries throw their hands up and just list both as variations.

Oxford New English
  1. US
    a short period between university terms, sometimes used by students to engage in projects outside the normal academic program.
  2. 2.
    a short university term in which thirteen weeks of course material is covered in five or six weeks of intensive study.

Similar-sounding words.
Intersession is sometimes confused with intercession
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Exactly what I was thinking!!! Didn't someone die from a skin infection from falling into the water?
I never heard of this one, but I’m sure skin infections have happened. That water is gross. They go in the shallow end for Sea Trials and are told to skip that station if they have any open cuts.
I did one of the years of the Annapolis tri (probably around 2006 or 7) before the locals got all pissy and got it cancelled. Yes, the water was nasty. But I've swam in worse. ;)
Exactly what I was thinking!!! Didn't someone die from a skin infection from falling into the water?
Intercollegiate Sailing Team (Dinghy's) as well as crew team are in the water and/or wet from it on a daily basis and have been for decades. From detailed personal experience as well as my son's experience, it is nothing to be frightened about.
Some received appointments starting Nov. 2nd, so it makes sense to check their portals daily.

I do like the concept as a milestone for youngsters…why not something like “Crossing The Bar” to signify the proximity to 2 for 7 a few months hence. Nothing like being a sideline spectator and tendering my unneeded opinion as an ancient mariner.
FWIW .. I think 2 for 7 night when they get back is enough to recognize 2nd Class. Commissioning Week is about the graduating class, this river swim seems to be just something to make everyone feel special and included. Plebes have Sea Trials /Herndon,, 2/C have Ring Dance and Firsties graduate. 3rd Class year really has little going for it already, so lets make them feel wanted ! I'd be curious whether the Third Class really embrace this ...and surprised that the Administration supports giving the risk/reward involved.

Yuck, a swim in the Severn! Is the SHOTEX before or after the swim?
I recall swim call in the Bay near Pax River on our YP Protramid cruise...Water was actually clear, but infested with jelly fish. Also had a nice little swim in Santee basin after Color Prade during June (Commissioning Week), That was fun !

Also a Bluenose (tm).
Blue Nose here... many flights over the Artic Circle during P3 Keflavik deployment. Ceremony was pretty low key when on an operational flight, but did spend almost a week scrubbing the Blue Permanent marker off my face (courtesy of an Old, Salty AD1 Flight Engineer). If OldRetSWO was onboard ship, I feel for you ... flying low over the water that far north gave me a lot of respect for the fishing crews that do it every day !