Medical-DoDMERB-Waiver questions? Pls post to DoDMERB thread if really seeking an answer

Greetings Mr. Mullen,

Back on November 20th our DS was DQ'd to USNA (D155.41 - Distant visual acuity not correctable to 20/20 in each eye), with a "Current Medical Status: Under Waiver Review" pending.

DS' B&G officer just called him yesterday to tell him that he is being offered an appointment pending a medical waiver, and that his portal reads that our DS hasn't even started his DoDMERB all.

What, if anything, can we do to expedite the waiver process? We understand that between COVID-19 and the USNA's bugged-up new application web-portal, they're backed-up to their eyebrows. But DS is really starting fear that his DoDMERB status is lost in limbo.

Thank you for all that you do, sir. Even if you can't help us now, you have helped us before, and you are considered a hero on this forum.
WE = ? There is no "we" outside of your household where you provide all the sage advice and counsel inside for your DS

YOU: Pls google "DoDMERB;" Hit "Questions on the process;" Read paragraph 4 :wiggle: :wiggle:

DS: "In all likelihood," due to the IT challenges in USNA Admissions this cycle, it's their system catching up. Send me an email:; provide complete name and Last 4 SSN; paste "Your Agent's" posting above to your email ---- (P.S. - Your agent just txtd me and asked what the "going rate" was for parents asking question for their kids...that who SHOULD be asking the questions...REGRETTABLY, I told her the truth..."It's $100 per hour with a $100 minimum!!!!" :yikes:💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲 - And many parents reading just started posting like :w00t::laugh: :spacecraft: :rockon::rockon: