Minor Shin Splints - What does that do for completing BCT


2014 Cadet Mom
5-Year Member
Jul 5, 2010
Just got a letter from my BC, 2nd day at Jack's she has shin splints. I didn't get a call this week saying she was being sent home or anything. Any ideas on if it could set her back from completing BCT?
Minor shin splints will probably not result in a medical turnback, although it is a possibility. If it causes a basic to miss more than 8 days of training, they will be turned back. What qualifies as "missing a day of training" can be a tough thing to determine in some cases.
In the pics of my son's flight out at Jack's today, I counted 5 basics on crutches. Sounds like shin splints may be a more minor injury! Hopefully at least.

Still waiting for the first letter from our son at Jack's - hoping BCT2 is going at least as well as BCT1 did. Saw at least a few pics of him smiling, but still waiting for that letter! :wink:
His squad wasn't doing the first aid though, were they? That could account for the cruches. But I did get to thinking about it. The letter is 5 days old already, so maybe I need not worry. She's still there.