Non-exam DoDMERB exam?


Oct 24, 2023
Took the kid to have his medical exam today. The clinic asked him his height and weight, took his BP, measured his sitting height. Did the hearing test. We then sat in the exam room for 30+ minutes waiting. Finally the doctor came in and said everything looked good. Asked the kid to move his arms, legs, and through the hips. That was it. He said everything looked fine. They didn't listen to his heart or check lymph nodes, or anything.

In the back of my head I'm wondering if the doc found something disqualifying and decided not to do the whole exam. On the other hand, it seemed to be a medical mill for physicals and maybe they know what they're doing?

Is this normal?
Yes, it sounds normal. Most of my students take less than 15 minutes. Quite simple if things go well. Have your students watch progress through the process via the DoDMERB portal. I assume the eye exam is completed too. Both are required. Good luck!