One Liner Life Advice

Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at tax collectors--and miss.

Never try to out stubborn a cat

If “everybody knows” such-and-such, then it ain’t so, by at least ten thousand to one.

"The Notebooks of Lazarus Long" - Robert Heinlein
  1. "No one can tell you what you saw & what you heard." &
  2. Never put your boss in a position where he has to make a negative decision about you.
#1. The 1st thing our PBA Delegate told us rookies a long time ago. In other words, if you react to the sight/statement, you saw/heard something; if you don't, you didn't.
For example: hypothetically...2 cops & 1 Sgt. sitting in a police car... Stupid cop says, "Gee Sarge, if we keep writing summonses in front of this pizzeria, I won't be able to get free pizza." The Sgt. never moved or responded to this statement. The Sgt. showed no actions that would indicate he heard something i. e. responding to Stupid. The Sarge just stared straight ahead... Stupid repeated the sentence then realized he should shut... up.:rolleyes:

Fast forward: The Sgt. (who was awarded the Police Combat Cross w/Palm leaf indicating 2 police-involved shootings (both perps DOA-he didn't miss; I once witnessed him, on a bet, combat unload then reload his revolver faster than his driver could reload his Glock...impressive) was promoted & retired as a LT.
There came a directive that 3 officers were to be transferred to a new, hard-charging, arrest-oriented unit. As usual, the precinct's losers were chosen. Stupid was transferred to a city-wide plain-clothed anti-crime unit where his talents? were best served.
Addition by subtraction, as they say. :rolleyes: