Post 3000

Old Navy BGO

10-Year Member
Jan 5, 2012
I was thinking about posting something truly inspirational or thought provoking for #3000, but now that I am here, I really can't think of anything new to say. In fact, sometimes I think I sound like a broken record here --
> 100% of those that don't try, don't get in,
> Focus on what you can control (and no one controls the Admission cycle
> will find out by I- day.
> There are no absolutes; for every rule there is an exception. (And for those that refer back to their experiences --one data point doesn't make a rule.

I am sure there are others , but those come to mind easily -- probably because I've repeated them so many times.
I was thinking about posting something truly inspirational or thought provoking for #3000, but now that I am here, I really can't think of anything new to say. In fact, sometimes I think I sound like a broken record here --
> 100% of those that don't try, don't get in,
> Focus on what you can control (and no one controls the Admission cycle
> will find out by I- day.
> There are no absolutes; for every rule there is an exception. (And for those that refer back to their experiences --one data point doesn't make a rule.

I am sure there are others , but those come to mind easily -- probably because I've repeated them so many times.
All worthwhile and high value. I keep my little library of standard advice tropes in my iPhone Notes app, and splice them in as needed.
You are so appreciated.