Questions For Founding Members


"Land of the free, because of the brave..."
10-Year Member
Dec 12, 2012
How did this website start? How old is it? Would you provide a brief history? Was it just USAFA in the beginning? Thanks
Am NOT a founding member, but a few of the profiles I have seen of those who are show the 2006 timeframe. I do know there is one other website that has an SA section, but it is poorly moderated and about 2-3 yrs ago most of the regulars moved to this site and abandoned that other one due to the petty bickering and nonsense that took place there. Mods here do a great job keeping discussions on track. It only takes a few rude/insensitive individuals (combined with lack of mod involvement) to ruin such sites and that is exactly what happened at that other site.

People also come and go, so many of those who were active back in 2006 have moved on to other things.

Is there a specific question you have in mind?
Not really, just wondering how you would start something like this up.
Not sure of the value of starting a new forum. You would have programming & upkeep costs. Members don't pay anything so have to assume any 'revenue' would be from ads, but there are only so many ad $$$ to go around.
I was just curious...& have no intentions about starting anything. I like this site & it's members just fine.
How did this website start? How old is it? Would you provide a brief history? Was it just USAFA in the beginning? Thanks

The website was founded by TacticalNuke in June 2006. I can't comment on how it actually started or the motivation for starting it. I joined about a month after it was founded.

The site was for all service academies from the beginning, not just USAFA. In fact, at the beginning it tended to be more USNA-focused with the moderators such as USNA69 and Zaphod. Many great mods and posters from the past have moved on which is understandable. New members, new mods, and the addition of the ROTC and other forum areas have really added to the growth of the site. New members are vital to the site to keep the experiences up-to-date. I hang around to help with the moderation but I don't post very often since I know that my info is dated.

There are other sites where the main focus is more for AD, though there is some of that here as well. I have been here I think since 2007, and I stay to see how things change, and how they stay the same. Also, I do hope I can offer some advice on occasion.
This site gave me an idea for my own Facebook group for USNA Candidates. I intended to assist my own candidates in NE Ohio, but I think it compliments SAF. I still refer to this site (and my Facebook group) with my intro letter.
Coming in considerably late here, but I was around when the site was formed. Originally everyone posted on College Confidential. We got a considerable amount of bleed-through from the non-SA forums- people just wanting to start ****, rile others up, hate on the military- before 'trolls' were a thing. TN and Zaphod made the decision to create a SA specific site, and here we are.
I am thankful for the foresight in starting this forum. It has been a lifesaver as this Mom goes thru the journey with her son. Attending a service academy in my neck of the woods is unheard of and as we are finding--folks just don't know much about the academies. I am grateful for a place to come and ask questions even though they are not too savvy in the writing of them as I do not know the customs nor the lingo.