Re-taking DoDMERB


15-Year Member
Jan 20, 2008
Im in my second year of AFROTC and Im due to contract this semester. All my stuff is in order except for DODMERB. I took the physicals in high school when i was applying for USAFA/Scholarship. I passed the physicals but had to get a waiver for a sinus infection.

The problem is that I should have already contracted this week, but my DoDMERB's two years was up in july. So now i have to get it all re-done to contract. My question is whether or not ill have to go through the same waiver process all over again.

You will need a new waiver. Waivers are generally only good for one year.
Nick 4060 _cut and paste your posting; send me your full name and last 4 of your SSN; to I can assist you better from there when I actually look at your case:thumb: