

Not sure what your really asking but.... If you get a remedial they will post the code No. on your DoDMERB page. From there if you look at the link options on the left hand of the page you will see where to look-up your code. There are two sides to look through. DQ and REMEDIAL...pick the correct side. You will also get a snail mail letter in a week or so after the posting. The snail mail gives grater detail on what needs to be done.

Hope this was helpful...
Thanks, I should have been more specific. I want to know if Dodmerb evaluates your entire file and asks for all/any remedials at one time, or do they ask for remedials as they go through your file. I have a remedial and I am wondering if there are more to come.
Not all the time. The remedial can be reviewed and you could still be DQ'd. Then you will go through the waiver process for another review and possibly another remedial.
Good Luck!