Removable retainer or wired retainer


Mar 29, 2021
DS has had a removable retainer for his top teeth and a wired retainer for his bottom teeth. I assume retainers are allowed at USNA, but would it be better to have a wired retainer on his top teeth as well?
To add to @Old Navy BGO, the wires and brackets attached to the teeth must be removed before I-Day

The retainers are shaped to their bite, and are thinner and harder than a soft Sports mouth guard. When they sleep at night, they can put their Plastic retainers on their top and bottom teeth …. They can’t wear them out-and-about during the day.

The plastic retainers are expensive and Easy to loose. We have had several sets made for our daughter.
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DS has had a removable retainer for his top teeth and a wired retainer for his bottom teeth. I assume retainers are allowed at USNA, but would it be better to have a wired retainer on his top teeth as well?
Play it safe… have a dentist or orthodontist remove it before Induction Day.
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I have a similar case to this personally. Starting an invisalign retainer treatment in the coming weeks which will extend into Plebe summer. After contacting DoDMERB administrators, they said that removable plastic retainers are allowed, although one must apply for a waiver.
I should have clarified that he is no longer under active treatment and does not have any brackets. He only wears his retainer at night.
I should have clarified that he is no longer under active treatment and does not have any brackets. He only wears his retainer at night.
So there is no issue since his wires and brackets have been removed. The plastic mouth guard-like retainers are Not a deal breaker.

Our 3-C daughter wears her retainers at night when she sleeps.
I have a similar case to this personally. Starting an invisalign retainer treatment in the coming weeks which will extend into Plebe summer. After contacting DoDMERB administrators, they said that removable plastic retainers are allowed, although one must apply for a waiver.
If you are just starting Invisalign treatment, I have some thoughts for you. If you have completed it and are in retainer phase, this might not apply.

Be sure you are clear on orthodontist visits required during the active alignment period. I used Invisalign a few years ago and had routine orthodontist appointments at regular intervals to assess progress. Much depends on how aggressively your teeth need to be treated - how many sets of unique aligners, how often they are changed, how frequently you see the doctor, how many hours a day you must keep them in, before that glorious day comes when a set of heavier-weight clear retainers are made, and you can ratchet down to night-time wear or whatever is prescribed to preserve your new alignment. There is also a waiting period while your custom aligner sets are made, after the visit where the yummy purple goo is used to make an initial impression tray.

You won’t be seeing an orthodontist for this kind of thing during Plebe Summer. Take the time to do the (I love this Pentagon phrase, it is so apt) tooth-to-tail analysis on this, and never assume anything. Invisalign only works if you complete the full alignment cycle and faithfully manage your retainer regimen; it’s not inexpensive, as you know.
Our son had to have a form completed by the orthodontist and submitted to DoDMERB, stating that active treatment was complete before I-Day and only nighttime (removable) retainers were required.
If you are just starting Invisalign treatment, I have some thoughts for you. If you have completed it and are in retainer phase, this might not apply.

Be sure you are clear on orthodontist visits required during the active alignment period. I used Invisalign a few years ago and had routine orthodontist appointments at regular intervals to assess progress. Much depends on how aggressively your teeth need to be treated - how many sets of unique aligners, how often they are changed, how frequently you see the doctor, how many hours a day you must keep them in, before that glorious day comes when a set of heavier-weight clear retainers are made, and you can ratchet down to night-time wear or whatever is prescribed to preserve your new alignment. There is also a waiting period while your custom aligner sets are made, after the visit where the yummy purple goo is used to make an initial impression tray.

You won’t be seeing an orthodontist for this kind of thing during Plebe Summer. Take the time to do the (I love this Pentagon phrase, it is so apt) tooth-to-tail analysis on this, and never assume anything. Invisalign only works if you complete the full alignment cycle and faithfully manage your retainer regimen; it’s not inexpensive, as you know.
Thank you Captain for the words of wisdom! I will be consulting with my ortho. soon
DS has had a removable retainer for his top teeth and a wired retainer for his bottom teeth. I assume retainers are allowed at USNA, but would it be better to have a wired retainer on his top teeth as well?
my plebe daughter has upper and lower wired, permanent retainers - no issue at all - they dont have to be removed - we shared it on DoDMERB forms -