Replying to this thread everyday until an appointment/rejection

Not to stir up the mob... but generally the guidance is "BY" the 15th. The last 3-4 years, the massive go/no-go emails have happened mid-week the week prior. So, I would guess by Thursday of this week most should hear something. Again. totally a guess based on previous few years. Nothing from actual knowledge of this year's process.
yeahhh I know, just trying to stay hopeful. the CO of the ROTC unit I'm looking into went to USMA and he had to wait till apr 28 for a waiver but he says he thinks they'll take me so I'm remaining positive Ish
Someone commented on here about the the passage of time. How could it simultaneously be so slow, yet so fast? How could 70 days feel like 700 and also 7? When we're young we live in the future. What our job will be, who we'll fall in love with, what our house will be like, what kind of car, kids. Then we start doing all those things and spend the next 2-3 decades living in the present. One day we find oursleves living in the past. Sitting in that big chunky, puffy, comfy recliner we said we would never buy because our grandparents and parents had one. Reflecting on a life lived. High school, college, when we met the love of our life, when our kids were born etc. And yet, the grass needs to be cut, the trash taken out, laundry, the dishes and we're still asking, "What do you wanna do for dinner?" All of those decisions have lead you to where you are today, sitting, waiting and wondering. I guess in some ways, we're still living in the future. I'm excited for your kids and for you. Hoping for the best so your kids future becomes their present.
Thank you for your post! I feel like this often and many of us parents and older folks on here are at that time of life. It’s hard to watch this process and feel and hope and pray so strongly for our young people to get this honor. They have chosen a tough path but they are so committed and dedicated and determined and just know it’s their right path. It’s tragic that so many wonderful young women and men are turned away each year. I try and appreciate the man this struggle and challenge has made my son in to. He wouldn’t be the man he is today without his multi-year odyssey with the Naval Academy. I am thankful for that and thankful ultimately that so many magnificent young people that choose this path, because I know how exceptional my son is and if folks are beating him out then it’s great for Navy and for us all! Good luck to you youngsters just getting going on a good life and I hope us old folks can enjoy sitting back and watching you succeed, whether you go to the Naval Academy or not; just getting here and being in this pool of awesomeness I know y’all will kick serious butt! Good luck and Go NAVY!!:)
Thank you for your post! I feel like this often and many of us parents and older folks on here are at that time of life. It’s hard to watch this process and feel and hope and pray so strongly for our young people to get this honor. They have chosen a tough path but they are so committed and dedicated and determined and just know it’s their right path. It’s tragic that so many wonderful young women and men are turned away each year. I try and appreciate the man this struggle and challenge has made my son in to. He wouldn’t be the man he is today without his multi-year odyssey with the Naval Academy. I am thankful for that and thankful ultimately that so many magnificent young people that choose this path, because I know how exceptional my son is and if folks are beating him out then it’s great for Navy and for us all! Good luck to you youngsters just getting going on a good life and I hope us old folks can enjoy sitting back and watching you succeed, whether you go to the Naval Academy or not; just getting here and being in this pool of awesomeness I know y’all will kick serious butt! Good luck and Go NAVY!!:)
It is hard to watch it all unfold, for a lot of us, it's our first real exposure to the process. It's hard to understand what's going on, how it all works, then you hit the wall of "What do you do now?" DS's mindset before his TD was, "I'll just enlist and try again". It was at that time I dug deeper into the forums. If one knows how to find the answers to their questions, they're here. I thought I was going to break the search function. One thing I know, their resolve, your resolve get's tested. They will succeed, even if in a different direction. DS's committment was solid, for him, there was no other choice. Someone on here has the "DON'T GIVE UP THE SHIP" handle, last year, it kept me going. Have faith, these are solid, smart kids, they will find their way in spite if the twists and turns. Good luck, hoping for the good word for you and others. It's why I'm on here all the time. LOL GO NAVY!
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Thank you for your post! I feel like this often and many of us parents and older folks on here are at that time of life. It’s hard to watch this process and feel and hope and pray so strongly for our young people to get this honor. They have chosen a tough path but they are so committed and dedicated and determined and just know it’s their right path. It’s tragic that so many wonderful young women and men are turned away each year. I try and appreciate the man this struggle and challenge has made my son in to. He wouldn’t be the man he is today without his multi-year odyssey with the Naval Academy. I am thankful for that and thankful ultimately that so many magnificent young people that choose this path, because I know how exceptional my son is and if folks are beating him out then it’s great for Navy and for us all! Good luck to you youngsters just getting going on a good life and I hope us old folks can enjoy sitting back and watching you succeed, whether you go to the Naval Academy or not; just getting here and being in this pool of awesomeness I know y’all will kick serious butt! Good luck and Go NAVY!!:)

My Ensign shared something with me one time. One sentence that has stuck with me, that I can still hear and feel today. Around 6 yrs later. After this multi year process, and long wait:

‘Mom, whenever I get down I just look up and around me and think about all the people who tried so hard, and didn’t make it here’

I got that in a plebe summer letter from him.

To those of you who make it this year, remember this thread. Remember your SAF mates who checked in with hope, daily, along with you. Who wanted this so badly. Remember this. And don’t quit.

To those who don’t make it this year, remember this thread, all your SAF members who posted here daily with their hoepes and teams of attending. If you want it, try again!! Several here are re-app’s.

Soon, there will be a mixture of both. Good luck everyone. And ‘May the odds be forever in your favor’, no matter where you land.
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My Ensign shared something with me one time. One sentence that has stuck with me, that I can still hear and feel today. Around 6 yrs later. After this multi year process, and long wait:

‘Mom, whenever I get down I just look up and around me and think about all the people who tried so hard, and didn’t make it here’

I got that in a plebe summer letter from him.

To those of you who make it this year, remember this thread. Remember your SAF mates who checked in with hope, daily, along with you. Who wanted this so badly. Remember this. And don’t quit.

To those who don’t make it this year, remember this thread, all your SAF members who posted here daily with their hoepes and teams of attending. If you want it, try again!! Several here are re-app’s.

Soon, there will be a mixture of both. Good luck everyone. And ‘May the odds be forever in your favor’, no matter where you land.
There were several on here last spring, including you who were a HUGE help. Just the motivation alone is worth visiting the SAF. I'll be here next year to help if I can. Don't quit, don't retreat, attack in a different direction!
Soon, there will be a mixture of both. Good luck everyone. And ‘May the odds be forever in your favor’, no matter where you land.
My son and I both majored in disappointment during these times and among other things, here's what I told him.

"Go where you're led, but lead where you go."

Things have worked out pretty good for him so far.
My Ensign shared something with me one time. One sentence that has stuck with me, that I can still hear and feel today. Around 6 yrs later. After this multi year process, and long wait:

‘Mom, whenever I get down I just look up and around me and think about all the people who tried so hard, and didn’t make it here’

I got that in a plebe summer letter from him.

To those of you who make it this year, remember this thread. Remember your SAF mates who checked in with hope, daily, along with you. Who wanted this so badly. Remember this. And don’t quit.

To those who don’t make it this year, remember this thread, all your SAF members who posted here daily with their hoepes and teams of attending. If you want it, try again!! Several here are re-app’s.

Soon, there will be a mixture of both. Good luck everyone. And ‘May the odds be forever in your favor’, no matter where you land.
Really well said. My DS is wrapping up Plebe year as we speak and he definitely feels a reverence and respect for the others who tried to get appointed and those that came before him.
My Ensign shared something with me one time. One sentence that has stuck with me, that I can still hear and feel today. Around 6 yrs later. After this multi year process, and long wait:

‘Mom, whenever I get down I just look up and around me and think about all the people who tried so hard, and didn’t make it here’

I got that in a plebe summer letter from him.

To those of you who make it this year, remember this thread. Remember your SAF mates who checked in with hope, daily, along with you. Who wanted this so badly. Remember this. And don’t quit.

To those who don’t make it this year, remember this thread, all your SAF members who posted here daily with their hoepes and teams of attending. If you want it, try again!! Several here are re-app’s.

Soon, there will be a mixture of both. Good luck everyone. And ‘May the odds be forever in your favor’, no matter where you land.
Great post! 💙
There were several on here last spring, including you who were a HUGE help. Just the motivation alone is worth visiting the SAF. I'll be here next year to help if I can. Don't quit, don't retreat, attack in a different direction!
You’ve quoted one of my favorite’s (O.P. Smith is the most underrated generals in our military history, USMC awesomeness!!!:) This forum has saved me so many times! I’ve learned so much! I’ve laughed and cried and hoped and prayed for all you young people and everyone going through this process! Appreciate that you’ve gotten here (and that your candidates have gotten here) and if they are fortunate enough to earn that appointment to USNA (or any SA) then please do what that very wise plebe told his mom, use it as fuel to push yourself and work harder because you were given a chance that they weren’t! Absolutely love it and y’all made my day again! Good luck and Go NAVY!!:)
You’ve quoted one of my favorite’s (O.P. Smith is the most underrated generals in our military history, USMC awesomeness!!!:) This forum has saved me so many times! I’ve learned so much! I’ve laughed and cried and hoped and prayed for all you young people and everyone going through this process! Appreciate that you’ve gotten here (and that your candidates have gotten here) and if they are fortunate enough to earn that appointment to USNA (or any SA) then please do what that very wise plebe told his mom, use it as fuel to push yourself and work harder because you were given a chance that they weren’t! Absolutely love it and y’all made my day again! Good luck and Go NAVY!!:)
Well, being an old Marine, it's what we do. LOL In enough time, we're all "OLD CORPS". Carry-on!
Well the day has come for DS. He was emailed this morning that they turned him down. He had a moment of " what did I do wrong" and he tried to compare himself to others. After feeling down for alittle bit he came back downstairs and said he accepted his spot with NROTC and that he is going to reapply to USNA next cycle.

As his mom Im sad his first choice didnt work out for the first try but that doesnt stop his story or journey to his goal. We still got this. Plan B and C were still great choices and he got into each school he wanted.
Well the day has come for DS. He was emailed this morning that they turned him down. He had a moment of " what did I do wrong" and he tried to compare himself to others. After feeling down for alittle bit he came back downstairs and said he accepted his spot with NROTC and that he is going to reapply to USNA next cycle.

As his mom Im sad his first choice didnt work out for the first try but that doesnt stop his story or journey to his goal. We still got this. Plan B and C were still great choices and he got into each school he wanted.
It’s a tough day when that comes. Sending you all good vibes. He’s doing the right thing - moving on! Good luck 🍀 - he’s off to do amazing things!