Replying to this thread everyday until an appointment/rejection

Sorry for not messaging here in a while. I felt it was wrong for me to continue posting despite hearing back. I just wanted to ask, would parents/applicants like another thread about my experience applying to USNA/MoC/Colleges and how SAF helped me? I was planning to write one, but just wanted to see if it was something some of you guys would like :D
Sorry for not messaging here in a while. I felt it was wrong for me to continue posting despite hearing back. I just wanted to ask, would parents/applicants like another thread about my experience applying to USNA/MoC/Colleges and how SAF helped me? I was planning to write one, but just wanted to see if it was something some of you guys would like :D
Always SO grateful for your words of wisdom!! It is so weird to type the same status report for 75 days in a row ... broken record, Groundhog Day, Big Ben Parliament roundabout from European Vacation ... But we do our best to stay sane and hopeful and kind and encouraging to others! It is the only thing that is in our control at this point!

I haven't been able to really be on the USNA waiting thread today, too much stress and animosity for me (understandable, we all deal with these mixed emotions differently, no judgement, just not for me!). Very grateful that this thread has stood the test of time of nothing but kindness and support ... thank you blinkus for starting this thread off with such a positive vibe and sticking around to keep us all positive, kind, and encouraging to one another till the end!

ARMARINE03 thank you for this on the waiting thread and thank you to PO2Fleet too for OP! Maybe it will help change the vibe a bit going into the final days of waiting and speculating!! Good night all and good luck to all of those still pending!!!

Truth BOOM! Thanks for that... well done
Except for those that can offer advice on the process from their expertise, the only thing the rest of us have to offer is hope and encouragement.
Does anyone know any ways to find out kind of where your process is at/what it looks like in terms of USNA waiver requests or no dice? kind of getting antsy for any type of answer
Does anyone know any ways to find out kind of where your process is at/what it looks like in terms of USNA waiver requests or no dice? kind of getting antsy for any type of answer
USMA has regional commanders that are the connection point for cadet candidates. Does USNA have anything similar? Or, a FFR (field force representative) that is usually a local connection. When my DD couldn’t get in touch with her RC for help, I contacted the parent liaison. She was super helpful in getting questions answered. Good luck! This process is tough and I’m pulling for everyone here!

DD is still pending for USMA and we have 2 weeks left so I know how tough the wait is! I’ll be glad when I can sleep.
Sorry for not messaging here in a while. I felt it was wrong for me to continue posting despite hearing back. I just wanted to ask, would parents/applicants like another thread about my experience applying to USNA/MoC/Colleges and how SAF helped me? I was planning to write one, but just wanted to see if it was something some of you guys would like :D
Blinkus!:) You are amazing and a credit to yourself and now USNA! Please set that up to help everyone out! Your presence here is so helpful and welcome and you just have the best darn attitude! You will go far! Thank you!
For everyone still in it, I shall call you the "76'ers" you made it thus far, what's one more day. It could be many things but in the coming days you'll know more than you do today. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be. If not? Improvise, adapt, overcome. You got this. Good luck!
For everyone still in it, I shall call you the "76'ers" you made it thus far, what's one more day. It could be many things but in the coming days you'll know more than you do today. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be. If not? Improvise, adapt, overcome. You got this. Good luck!
I’ve always liked Jocko’s (of course y’all know the illustrious and amazing Seal) who said (YouTube link below) “Don’t get X (insert: appointed to the Naval Academy); GOOD! Get Up; Dust Off; Reload; Recalibrate, Re-Engage!” Paraphrased but thats the idea. It’s the things in life we don’t get and don’t succeed at that we learn the most from as long as we follow that strategy!!! What ever happens tomorrow, just say GOOD and keep chugging forward!!! I’m sure my son has been saying this to himself the last few days after his second TD. Good luck and Go NAVY!!:)
