Scoring for the CFA?

Exactly, a teacher's job is to prepare his students for success. A teacher is willing to proctor as many test as needed, as long as the student is putting the required effort into preparation.

I think most teachers would be excited to help you apply to a SA. Either way I'd suggest doing it again.
I'm suprised they still make you take a CFA. There's no such thing as I.T. anymore here.

The two things have absolutely nothing to do with each other. All Service Academies require you to take a CFA and score at least whatever the required minimums are for your Gender and age. No Service Academies, at least Federal Service Academies, currently have I.T. "anymore".

My DS had to have his CFA in by the 4th of January. We decided to submit the scores he had the last week before Christmas break instead of trying to get the phys ed teacher to squeeze it in quickly after the return to school. His phys ed instructor didn't take it too seriously and had him do the mile on the snow covered tack around the football field on a 16 degree day. For some reason that score was not acceptable to the USMMA :)shake:LOL) and he was given additional time to rerun. This time we used the girls phys ed teacher who taught my DS health and driver's ed. She has been following his application and is excited to help him get admitted. If you don't have time to better your scores submit what you have. It's better than not submitting it on time!!