Should I buzz myself before BCT?

If you currently have hair over your ears, it’s not a bad idea get some sun on your ears prior to BCT.

The sun especially at altitude can be brutal to previously unexposed skin.
Sounds silly, but do they provide sun screen? (ultraviolet intensity increases by 4% for every 1,000 feet gained in elevation)
Sounds silly, but do they provide sun screen? (ultraviolet intensity increases by 4% for every 1,000 feet gained in elevation)
They do and you can get it at the Cadet Store as well. Even during BCT you will have a couple of trips to the C Store for supplies/treats.
1000% NO

Enjoy the experience it will be about the only time that day no one is yelling at or demanding anything of you except to sit somewhat still and give a small smile to the camera for your family.
Have a "Mohawk Party", I did years ago and my son got his friends to get freaky with his mellon the week before showing up. Take pictures, you will look back years later and get a nice smile out of them!