small World Moment


5-Year Member
Nov 27, 2017
So four years ago a little mob of 3 midshipmen decided to tell their relatively new PNS that they missed his predecessor and that in their judgment, the new PNS wasn’t as accessible, caring, and not filling the big shoes yet. my DS was invited to join to help deliver said message and told them all they were in no uncertain terms, NUTS. But despite warnings three of them decided to tell their PNS they were disappointed. As one would imagine, that meeting did not go well.One member of the university cadre had to be restrained. Names were placed on sh*tlistsnin permanent markers. Demotions flowed. They were lucky to keep their paths to commission.

Well fast forward to present day and guess who is now the officer in charge of the command center where two of those 3 now Ensigns will soon report? Yep, they’re former PNS who they infamously tried to scold. LOL.

Smooth operators …. Smooth…. Operators.