Top 5 movies


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5-Year Member
Mar 21, 2019
Thanks to @THmom , who reminded me of Ferris Bueller, I thought I'd share my top 5 movies

1. Dead Poets Society (all time favorite, never gonna change)
2. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
3. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
4. Sherlock Holmes, Game of Shadows
5. Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail

Now, I'm interested to hear everyone else's top 5 movies! Drop 'em below V
  1. Forrest Gump - Thoughtful and evocative.
  2. Alien - Scared the **** out of me in 1979 - No CGI here.
  3. Raiders of the Lost Ark - Just amazing fun
  4. The Bourne Identity - Great fight scenes
  5. The Empire Strikes Back - Arguably the best of the series.
Honorable mentions:
Animal House - John Belushi's tour de force.
Saving Private Ryan - Homage to the Greatest Generation.
The Shawshank Redemption - One of the most satisfying endings ever.
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For “films” - stuff that makes me think, as an art form, see below.

“Movies” - for entertainment, laughter, fun. Mission Impossible, Bourne, Bond, comedies, romances, etc. (Secretly love John Wick).

Favorite actors: Denzel Washington, Meryl Streep, Emma Thompson, Judi Dench, Tom Hanks, and many others, will watch whatever they are in.

Then I have my Navy/military/war movie category. There are other threads for that.

The ones below I never tire of watching as a form of art.

1. Glory
2. The English Patient
3. Henry V
4. The Emigrants
5. Raise the Red Lantern
Apocalypse Now

Another 1979 film that caused me grief!
On a date with my future wife back then.

We were at a HUGE movie theater in Hollywood, the Cinerama Dome. There was a scene where a tiger jumps out at Martin Sheen's character. At that moment, I was bringing back a large popcorn and a Dr. Pepper to the seat. The tiger scene happens and my wife screamed and I reacted by spilling the Dr. Pepper and popcorn on the 6' 5" guy in front of me.

I thought he was gonna kill me, but I survived!

My wife still laughs when this story comes up.
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I dont know if this is my top five, but these are movies i have seen dozens of times and can see another hundred of times without any issue

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Shawshank Redemption
The Thin Man
The Fifth Element

Honorable Mention

The 400 blows
Seven Samurai
Saving Private Ryan
2001: A Space Odyssey
(especially, since it was the first and only movie in space, in which you couldn't hear anything)

Honorable mention:
Alien did indeed scare the stuffing out of me in 1979. My favorite part of that movie was that the spaceship was filthy and beat-up.
Before that, everything was so clean and perfect in sci-fi movies.

I really liked Band of Brothers and Generation Kill, but technically, those are "mini-series".
Mine below

- saving private Ryan
- The Bourne Series ( 1st 2 parts)
- Forest Gump
- 3:10 to Yuma
- The Gladiator
I can see this becoming as prolific a thread as 🥓

In no particular order:

The Man From Snow River
A Few Good Men
The Proposal
Bourne Movies
Master and Commander
Ratatouille and Finding Nemo (when I am feeling blue)

I actually bought a young 2 year old horse once solely because he looked like a clone to Denny from Snow River . He almost killed me a couple of times, too young and spirited, but man he was a dead ringer for Denny.

Thanks for giving me new movies to watch, several I haven't seen on your lists.
Okay, I'll play, in order:

The Color Purple
Napoleon Dynamite (still quote it, which is weird to most people)
The Godfather, part II
Empire Strikes Back - love that I can watch it ALL the time now with Disney Plus
The Thing (I like Alien, but this was just better, imo)
Thx to all above... was trying to find something to watch tonight, and I’ll have to see if i can locate something from above!

1. Charade/His Girl Friday ... ok, anything with Cary Grant in it
2. Amadeus
3. Moon (soundtrack is bonus)
4. Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure
5. Lost in Translation (or anything with Bill Murray in it - Stripes, yay!)

Last night we watched 6 Underground... some ew gratuitous violence but lotsa ridiculous stunts for fun. Enjoying a movie countdown as my MDN returns to his unit this weekend :(

I forgot one!!

Delete Alien,
Add Princess Bride.

How could I forget that one? Also, @Holden100, we quote Napoleon Dynamite all the time. Especially when making tots. Not weird to anyone in our house at all [emoji106]