Triple Qualified?


10-Year Member
Jan 26, 2012
DS passed the CFA at SLS, Passed DoDMERB this past week and has good academics(ACT 31, ENG 33, Reading 33, Math 28, Science 30 and Writing 29)...will he find out if he is triple qualified? Also, if they say he is 3Q will they further state if he is "Admissible or Competitive"? If Admissions does not send a letter, is it ok to call or email the RC? Thx.
Eventually your DS will be notified of his 3Q status. If I remember correctly, 3Q letter is the full qualified letter, so there is no "competitive" vs "admissible." The last thing will be his academic qualification determination. From what I see I think that happens during the filed review by the admissions board. The field force members have access to certain parts of the admission database and "competitive" and "admissible" remarks is on the candidate POTENTIAL column. The academic column eventually turn into "qualified" or "disqualified."

Just have to wait and the admissions office move on their own time line. It doesn't hurt to ask the RC as to what your DS needs to do (better to come from DS than yourself).
Oh yes it will be DS doing all the communicating with the RC and Admissions...I was strongly counseled by Big Nick on this subject and the message was received loud and clear! Thanks MemberLg.
Actually, one of the Q's is 'scholastic' since it covers MUCH more then just GPA. Teacher recommendations, ACT/SAT scores, h.s. ECA's, etc. are all factor into that Q.