USAFA Waiting Page C/O 2028

Has anyone received an appointment in the last few days??
Like USNA and most likely USMA, these last days are all the SA's plan B and they are filling any declined slots as they roll in. The vast majority of the people left are going to be TD's or at best a limited few will go on a waitlist.
TD this morning for USAFA. So thankful that he has a yes from USNA. Best of luck to all of you and yours! Remember that everything happens for a reason. Thank you to everyone on this board who has been so gracious with information. I know we're in good hands with kiddos like ours and those of you who are kiddos yourself who put your name on the line to serve our country.
My wife was sneaky and logged into our DS's account. It has a gold envelop and says your decision is ready. Without opening it and ruining it for him does that mean good news or could it be anything?
My wife was sneaky and logged into our DS's account. It has a gold envelop and says your decision is ready. Without opening it and ruining it for him does that mean good news or could it be anything?
Likely a TD. That’s how it was delivered this morning. Behind the envelope is the letter 😢