USMMA - Choosing a major?

I had the Beamer for Statics and Dynamics. He was an odd sort, but I learned. CBK was certainly different. Sometimes it was difficult understanding him, especially when it came to Burgers vector. . .. but the one class that was toughest for my was Electrical Circuit Theory with MacDonald. Man, we had a manuscript for a text book (written by Hubert and Mac). Over 60 percent of my class failed and had to re-take fourth quarter (even after license was passed so there went free-gangway). Another C that I was especially proud of. . . .
I've heard stories about Black Mac and it's probably a good thing I never had him. Me and electricity generally didn't get along, either in the classroom or in practice. Bad grades in all my electrical classes and a lot of juice soaked up. I had Harbach for Intro plebe year, he failed me because I missed a lab while I was in the hospital having my appendix out. I had to go to the department head to get it changed to an Incomplete. I didn't make up the incomplete until senior year. A 1/C in a class of plebes, I had a lot of volunteers to be my lab partner that day.

The most impressive thing I've ever seen a professor do was CBK. He started lecturing as soon as we walked through the door and continued while getting all his stuff settled. Once he started writing on the board he was writing on what he was lecturing on when he walked in the door. His notes on the board where about two minutes behind his lecture. He was one of those too smart for their own good people who are clearly brilliant in their field but can't teach worth a lick.
Lots of opinions on here, so I'll keep it short. Your DS will not need to decide on a major until after 1st trimester. All plebes take both engine and deck courses during that time. He will be able to decide then by experiencing the classes and talking to midshipman. He shouldn't worry about it too much.