VT cadet willing to answer any questions


New Member
Sep 23, 2021
I know it’s around the time where prospective cadets get the jitters about new cadet week and such, I wish I had the opportunity to ask questions so go ahead.
I know it’s around the time where prospective cadets get the jitters about new cadet week and such, I wish I had the opportunity to ask questions so go ahead.
Thank you for offering up your time.

What are the 3 things you wish you knew or prepared for prior to reporting to VT?
Thank you for offering up your time.

What are the 3 things you wish you knew or prepared for prior to reporting to VT?
1. Come into New Cadet Week into good shape, it’s not physically demanding but your don’t your limiting factor to be a lack of physical fitness. In addition, New cadet Week has very limited opportunity to “work out” and generally each branch has their pt test about a month or a month and a half after. I don’t know how many of my fellow ms1s failed their pt test because they were just not in good enough shape, and that is not how you want to start your cadet career.

2. While Rat year may not be easy, the tasks of freshmen cadet are very easy. Drag, sound off loud, know your guidon. The easiest things you will do in your college career. The worst thing that can happen to a freshmen messing up is maybe getting “chewed out” by their cadre, and most of the time if you are just confident and loud mistakes will be glanced over. Also don’t hate your cadre, they are their to make you better and turn you into a proper cadet. There is nothing personal.

3. Enjoy your time as Rat. You may not be out partying or playing video games other college freshmen, but you gain a group of 30 friends who go through hardship and happiness with you. My best friends in college are my rat buds, be helpful, be positive, and push each other to be better. Yku will have some of the most fun in college as a rat, it may be some strange type of fun but it’s most definitely fun.

Something extra: become friends with non cadets. This was difficult because of covid but as restrictions lessen you have full opportunity to meet non cadets. Sit with non cadets in class, join clubs second semester, and most of all try to avoid taking about the corps with civilian students