What are my Chances of Getting VMI's Institute Scholars Scholarship?


New Member
Feb 2, 2024
I've finished all the steps of my application to the program, and I'm curious as to what people think my chances of getting the scholarship are. Here's all my relevant info:

High School Senior,
Already Accepted to VMI (deposit paid)
Weighted GPA: 3.968 (unweighted is about 3.83)
AP Class: 6 total (2 completed, 4 this year)
SAT (super-scored): 1430
Projected Major: History
Scholastic Bowl Team for 2 years (think trivia bowl)
Debate Team for 3 years
Speech Team for 2 years
Founder and President of School's History Club (2 years)
Member of school's literary magazine for 3 years (or 4 years if we count a school I went to before I transferred), currently Executive Editor
Civil Air Patrol Staff Sergeant, Element Leader, and squadron Alert Lead
Hobbies: Writing, reading, miniature wargaming, hiking, history.

Thanks for any feedback!
Looks like your chances may be good. However, VMI likes to see athletics and varsity sports. If you get the scholarship, and you decide to go, just make sure you’re in shape and ready to handle the rigors of VMI. Good luck—it’s like nothing else!
VMI Institute Scholarship applications are due mid February. Winners are notified by Mid April. My DS had to travel to VMI (no Zoom option) to interview in front of 13 person panel. He said the interview was harder than the USAFA and USCGA interviews.