What are the types of nominations from MOCs?


Dec 9, 2014
I heard that you can get different types of nominations from your MOC nominating you? What does that mean and what are they?
They aren't different types. There are 3 different ways the MOC can present the list of 10 nominees to the academy.

1. Competitive list. They simply send their list of 10 nominees to the academy and tells the academy to pick one and give them the appointment. This is how the majority of MOC do it. The academy usually gives the appointment to the individual with the highest score on their application.

2. The MOC can rank their list of 10 nominees. They write their #1-#10 choice and assuming the individual(s) are qualified, the academy MUST give the appointment to the #1 listed person. If they aren't qualified, the academy goes to #2 and works their way down the list. This is called a Prinicple nomination. And the other 9 are simply ranked.

3. This is a combination of the first 2. The MOC lists their #1 ranked nominee and and the other 9 are competitively listed. If the #1 is qualified, the academy must give them the appointment. If they aren't qualified, the academy can choose any of the remaining 9, similar to the first method above.

And remember, only about half the appointments are using a MOC slate. All appointees must have a nomination, but only half are filling a MOC slot. After the MOC appointees are done, all the no appointees, the other 9 from each MOC list, are put into a national list of about 2000 and the academy pickles the remainder of the appointments that they need to fill the class from this national pool. Minus a few others that they got from other nominations like presidential, Rotc, and other military related nominations.
There is a sticky at the top of the nomination forum (see below the SAs on the home page and you will see Nominations)

It will discuss everything you will want to learn from a broad perspective.

The quick answer is there are three. Principal, rank and competitive.
Principal means that if you are 3 Q they must offer an appointment.
Ranked means they are saying this is my number one pick, They will rank you out 1-10. Number 1 is the principal.
Competitive means you are all equal on the slate. Use the WCS and tell me(MOC) which candidate I was charged

There is a little twist with the ranked system. They may tell them if the principal turns down the appointment than here is my alternate. It is basically than becomes a ranked slate.

Most MoC congrats letter will state how they did it. In all the time here I have never seen a candidate get principal and not be told in the letter. I am sure it happens, but I think that is rare.
HIstorically, I would say 30% give principal and the bulk give competitive.

Again, reading the stickies on the nomination forum will really help explain the whole system

Xposted with Mike and ca2.

You made me crack up because your auto correct changed picked to pickles!

By the end of the process I am sure many parents have pickled theirself with the amount of wine (in your case Jeremiah Weed) they consumed waiting to hear from the MOCs, than USAFA appointments!

Or maybe you meant to say pickled...I would not put that past your humor!