Nomination Status

Yes, It shows what nominations you have. It doesn't carry any weight to have two, but it does increase your chances of appointment.
Our area does not double nominate, they all work together. That is awesome that your DS got two, It increases his odds!! I never realized how hard the wait is!!

DD had a completed app/medical/CFA mid-October and got a nomination a week ago. She never received notice that her portal updated, but she checked it after the MOC congratulatory call and there it was.

She has received 2 Plan B acceptances and working on scholarship apps. We are trying to figure out if she should just proceed with plan B like she is definitely going and hope an appointment pops up...or delay deposits for a few months.

Really, she is just very grateful to still be in the game!
Our area does not double nominate, they all work together. That is awesome that your DS got two, It increases his odds!! I never realized how hard the wait is!!

DD had a completed app/medical/CFA mid-October and got a nomination a week ago. She never received notice that her portal updated, but she checked it after the MOC congratulatory call and there it was.

She has received 2 Plan B acceptances and working on scholarship apps. We are trying to figure out if she should just proceed with plan B like she is definitely going and hope an appointment pops up...or delay deposits for a few months.

Really, she is just very grateful to still be in the game!
Sounds like my DD. Her Plan B is in place and now she informed me her Plan C school has changed, though she's been accepted to both with scholarship $ to Plan B... Has her AFROTC interview on Monday....
Our area does not double nominate, they all work together. That is awesome that your DS got two, It increases his odds!! I never realized how hard the wait is!!

DD had a completed app/medical/CFA mid-October and got a nomination a week ago. She never received notice that her portal updated, but she checked it after the MOC congratulatory call and there it was.

She has received 2 Plan B acceptances and working on scholarship apps. We are trying to figure out if she should just proceed with plan B like she is definitely going and hope an appointment pops up...or delay deposits for a few months.

Really, she is just very grateful to still be in the game!

Our area does not double nominate, they all work together. That is awesome that your DS got two, It increases his odds!! I never realized how hard the wait is!!

DD had a completed app/medical/CFA mid-October and got a nomination a week ago. She never received notice that her portal updated, but she checked it after the MOC congratulatory call and there it was.

She has received 2 Plan B acceptances and working on scholarship apps. We are trying to figure out if she should just proceed with plan B like she is definitely going and hope an appointment pops up...or delay deposits for a few months.

Really, she is just very grateful to still be in the game!
The wait is so hard. My DS received his first nomination after the first interview and had already submitted the other two. The second senator asked him to call before his interview if he had received a nomination. They cancelled the interview but our congressman said that it was fine to continue the process. He just received the call Monday and we are still in shock. Application complete just waiting on ALO interview and medical to sign off.

Best wishes to your DD & Happy Holidays!
DS received the Representative's nomination today. Still waiting on the 2 Senators but he is also eligible for a Presidential from me.

1. Do the congressional nominations get sent to USAFA automatically such that they should reflect somewhere on his application status?
2. Same question for the Presidential and, more importantly, is it automatic once we submit the required paperwork showing my service...or is it still subject to some sort of ranking and selection process such that it might be rejected even though everything is in order?

1. Yes. There are hundreds of slates pouring in right now. It will eventually show up in a status online.
2. No further action by the applicant. It should just show as a status. Those are simple eligibility items, all who are eligible, get them. If it still doesn’t show by January, the candidate may want to follow up.
DS received the Representative's nomination today. Still waiting on the 2 Senators but he is also eligible for a Presidential from me.

1. Do the congressional nominations get sent to USAFA automatically such that they should reflect somewhere on his application status?
2. Same question for the Presidential and, more importantly, is it automatic once we submit the required paperwork showing my service...or is it still subject to some sort of ranking and selection process such that it might be rejected even though everything is in order?

1. The MOC will notify the academy of the nom. This happens when they submit the slate. Slates are not due until Jan 31. It might be a while before they submit the slate, and more time to get the portal updated. Patience.
2. The Presidential is automatic once you've shown via paperwork he is qualified. Hundreds receive this nom. The academies only appoint up to 100 from this category each year.

Edit: cross posted wit Capt MJ
1. The MOC will notify the academy of the nom. This happens when they submit the slate. Slates are not due until Jan 31. It might be a while before they submit the slate, and more time to get the portal updated. Patience.
2. The Presidential is automatic once you've shown via paperwork he is qualified. Hundreds receive this nom. The academies only appoint up to 100 from this category each year.

Edit: cross posted wit Capt MJ
Thanks so much for the quick reply! Yes, as I understand it as many noms as possible helps them move the puzzle pieces around to appease as many nominating sources as possible with a single appointment...greatly increasing the candidate's odds of appointment.
For my DS who received a principal nomination and is cleared for everything else, when should he expect a notice of appointment?
Anyone from Minnesota receive news about their nomination? My daughter is on pins and needles waiting with excitement. Good Luck to everyone.
There are literally dozens of posts recently and historically that answer this question.

Click here:

Asking a simple question should not get that kind of response. There are posts like that, but it’s not the easiest to find them.

I disagree.

It is not difficult to search, especially for one of the most asked (and answered) questions on SAF.