Who would win between the branches?


New Member
May 17, 2021
What branch would win a war between the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Space Force. I dont want emotionally fueled answers but actual thought out answers. I think it would be pretty interesting to see the victor.
Hmm I'm going to be that person but I think there are too many variables here for anyone to really say. What is the nature of the war, where is it being fought. If it involves war at sea, the Space Force are probably screwed. What are the assumptions about rules of war, for example could the Air Force win in a couple of hours by launching several missiles that will wipe out millions of the civilian population as well? Are we assuming each of these groups with their real resource levels or are these being standardized to allow for a comparison of skills, tactics and training? So the answer to could 100 marines win a war with 100 soldiers might be different to can the USMC win a war against the US Army.

So many questions...
Well when the B-52 drops 70,000 pounds of bombs on your head and a AC-130 starts shooting its Vulcan Gatling gun at 6000 rounds per minute, whatever branch is on the ground wont be there for a very long
The American military is a combined arms multiple-branch force.

What you are describing is comparable to trying to elbow oneself in either shoulder.

Totally ineffective but probably pretty comical to see.

The legendary Elaine Benes dance scene as an example.
The only emotion I am feeling is bewildered laughter. It’s fueling my desire for a glass of wine while I prep dinner, so there is merit in that.
I just finished my wine and dinner.

For the wine snobs out there … look into Gallo Hearty Burgundy. Cheap. And as good as the expensive wine I used to buy.
I just finished my wine and dinner.

For the wine snobs out there … look into Gallo Hearty Burgundy. Cheap. And as good as the expensive wine I used to buy.
My brother-in-law likes Apothic Red.
I’m having a White Burgundy Macon-Fuissé right now, for my cooking wine.

And just like that, we are off down the rabbit hole, having collectively balked at this fence.
Last edited:
My brother-in-law likes Apothic Red.
I’m having a White Burgundy Macon-Fuissé right now, for my cooking wine.

And just like that, we are off down the rabbit hole, having collectively balked at this fence.
Soon, we'll find something else to w(h)ine about.