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  • 2017-USNA-MOM:

    Hi. I did the same thing as you. I am on this forum all the time but didn't see that you had responded to the visitor message. I am going to send you a PM with my email address. You can't send PMs but hopefully you can receive one. NROTC - we might know each other. DS goes to MAST.
    Hi Mman5247,
    I'm sorry I haven't responded sooner. I usually just read the posts. Something made me log in tonight, and I saw your message.
    I hope by now you have received some good news in terms of nominations or even an appointment. My son did not receive nominations from either of the Senators. They called and asked if he had gotten a Congressional nomination. Because he did, they said he did not need a Senatorial nomination and would, therefore, not receive one so that they could give them to other candidates who needed them. My son also had an NROTC nomination, but his appointment was received on the Congressional nomination. The info page on his portal was updated with the Congressional and NROTC nominations. Having received an appointment, though, is not indicated anywhere on his portal or on Dodmerb.
    Good Luck to you, and please let us know if you receive good news.
    Where are you from in the district 12 area?
    Congratulations on your appointment. I'm happy for you but I must admit my heart sank a bit. You are in my district and I did not receive a call from any senator. Which nominations did you receive? I'm thinking this means nominations are over and I didn't get one. Did your CIS page get updated yet with the nomination information? Thanks in advance for sharing any details.
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