3 3 3makes6 Aug 3, 2014 Our second, and probably the last letter we will receive, found her in very good spirits. We are grateful for that.
Our second, and probably the last letter we will receive, found her in very good spirits. We are grateful for that.
3 3 3makes6 Aug 3, 2014 Yes I think so too! My daughter attends Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester MA. I am sure that they are good friends by now...at least I hope so!
Yes I think so too! My daughter attends Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester MA. I am sure that they are good friends by now...at least I hope so!
A A AF/NAVYmom Aug 1, 2014 I think our cadets are in the same FLT? My son attends ERAU, Daytona Beach