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  • His experiences motivated me to set the highest standards for myself, only to surpass them. He has inspired me to attend one of the greatest institutions of leadership in the world, the United State Military Academy. "
    Sorry for posting so much, it wont allow me to pm you.
    Through admission to this Academy, I would be able to put my best foot forward in my endeavor to serve my country and lead men and women. My father served as a member of both the US Army and Air force, both officer and enlisted. He has spoken with me about how service for your country can truly have a positive impact on yourself and your community.
    reach your highest peak. The USMA has extremely high standards of honor and commitment to tradition that create an immersive, positive environment. This has only further fueled my desire to become a graduate of the USMA. I strive to reach my fullest potential and to serve my country, the USMA offers the best route possible to achieve this goal.
    the United States Military Academy as a First Class Cadet. Through speaking with graduates, I have learned about the true level of discipline that is instilled in every graduate. That through the Academy, you are given so many opportunities to grow and develop as a leader in a multitude of positions. Instructors truly care about the bettering of your education so that you may
    Attending an academy would allow me better myself and become a leader. I have always to better my education while at the same time learning how to best serve others. Upon learning how to become a better leader, I would be able to positively affect those around me through dedication and commitment.

    If given the opportunity, I would love to attend
    Attending a service academy has been a goal of mine ever since I realized how much I can do to benefit my country and community through service. Serving my country would be a continuation of my commitment to service towards the academy. The honor of attending a service academy comes with a responsibility and military commitment upon graduation and I am up for that challenge.
    I am currently in the processing of applying for a nomination to the USMA. The prompt says "state why you want to attend the service academy in 500 words or less". I was wondering if you could give me feedback on the overall content? below is a copy "As a citizen of the United States, I have always wanted to serve and give back to this country that gave me excellent opportunities to thrive and become successful.
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