Recent content by Dull56

  1. D

    Personal Computer after basic

    Not true. I know countless people who maintain personal devices (iPads, Macbooks, etc.)--all of which are capable of connecting to the USMA network (the WREN). However, DrMom is correct in saying that your issued laptop will be your tool for using websites, databases, etc. that require the use...
  2. D

    Injuries at USMA

    BEFORE BEAST: DO NOT GET HURT. If you seriously hurt yourself before R day--torn ACL, a broken bone, etc.--you will not have time to heal before 27 June, and West Point will undoubtedly revoke your appointment for this year's class. Trust me, you do not want to spend a year at civilian school or...
  3. D

    Parachute team

    As stated before, NO. Both of these teams require a tremendous amount of energy, time, and commitment. They are the elites of West Point in their respective areas.
  4. D

    Packing List Question

    Would love to know the answer to this as well. "WishfulThinking" is most likely saying her final goodbyes to family/friends as R-Day is just a couple days away, but I'm sure someone else on this forum could answer this question.
  5. D

    Chances for Me as Sophomore

    Bad wording on my part. I was referring to the coaches of sports you are involved in. I wouldn’t expect a swimming athlete to contact Coach Monken.
  6. D

    Chances for Me as Sophomore

    As you will see from numerous “what are my chances?” Threads on this forum, there is no one here who can give you the answer you’re looking for. What I will add to that is - it looks like you have a solid academic background, leadership roles, and extra curricular’s. All you can do at this...
  7. D

    Athletic/Running Shoes

    I got a pair of the Brooks Ghost 13‘s a couple months ago. I have loved them. no pain running 4,5,6 miles at a time.
  8. D

    USMAPS '22 | R-Day Parents

    Information “not yet available” in my portal as well.
  9. D

    USNA 2025 Waiting and....Waiting

    Received the email from USNA last night. Didn’t make it to Annapolis. West Point it is!
  10. D


    Good morning all! I will be attending USMAPS this coming year in hopes of receiving an appointment to the USMA class of ’26 next spring. After accepting my offer and touring West Point last week, I have some questions. 1) How do the freedoms/privileges at USMAPS compare to those of USMA? I...
  11. D

    USMAPS 2022 Appointment List

    1) thesword76/Self/LOA/26FEB21/Accepted/Congressional and Senate/Prior 2) salacia/DS/LOA/1MAR21/Accepted/PriorService/Louisiana 3) ker0709/DS/LOA/18MAR21/Accepted/NC/Congressional/Direct Appointment 4) Dull56/Self/No LOA/26MAR21/Accepted/PA/Congressional/Direct Offer -changed #4 to ACCEPTED
  12. D

    USMAPS 2022 Appointment List

    Did you receive your appointment for the class of '25 yet? If not, when do you expect to hear that news?
  13. D

    USMAPS 2022 Appointment List

    When did you all receive the notification in your portal? My FFR‘s portal showed “offered” for me on 3/26, but nothing in mine as of yet.
  14. D

    Intentional DQ for spot at USMAPS

    Those are my exact thoughts! I really don't think I can go wrong. Thank you for your insight!
  15. D

    USMAPS 2022 Appointment List

    1) thesword76/Self/LOA/26FEB21/Accepted/Congressional and Senate/Prior 2) salacia/DS/LOA/1MAR21/Accepted/PriorService/Louisiana 3) ker0709/DS/LOA/18MAR21/Accepted/NC/Congressional/Direct Appointment 4) Dull56/Self/No LOA/26MAR21/Will Likely Accept/PA/Congressional/Direct Offer