Hi Chewy,
Your issue is DEFINITELY NOT trivial, and in fact, for one of my sons (they're twins), the question of innoculations almost kept him from accepting his appointment. I saw that your dad is a chiropractor and while we have had chiro. care for years (my uncle is one too), that was not our true problem with the vaccines (though those issues are bad enough). Originally the vaccines were formulated with aborted fetal tissue - THAT was the issue for my son, even though it was 40+ years ago.
When my son decided to go to AFA, we set up a plan with the pediatrician and worked it out with AFA so that he would not have too sore an arm or bum when he got there on I-Day. They started getting shots in April I think (they had early LOA's) and had shots about once a week until mid-may. Their arms were sore and they had no adverse reactions to this regimen.