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  • Also I got recommendation letters from people with high authority. Just pour your heart out on the application. Do not leave anything no matter how small. Just put it down. It will not hurt. I forgot to mention that My cfa test was pretty average. just finish your package first and foremost. Do not become discouraged. Honestly, if I'm not mistaken, I was part of the first batch of enlisted folks that got the prep school slot so I assume they didn't see my package as close to terrible. So like I said give everything you've got on the application and finish it! Let me know if u got any other questions. I'm heading to the prep in about 2 weeks. Have a good one man and good luck!
    I'm prior enlisted if u didn't see that yet. Are u prior enlisted as well? My high school GPa was 3.66. College GPa was I believe 3.6 as well. my sat/act scores were not that great. In fact, they were below the academy minimum but they still in the prep school range. But if there's anything that I think put me over the top was that I worked hard in my years as an airmen. I pretty much did a lot of things as an airman in my career field. As a result, I got btz at the wing level. My community service package looked like it could've been 3-4 pages if u were to print that out. I did aloooot of stuff!
    Hey man, I saw you go an appointment to the prep school. I'm currently applying for next year and I wanted to know what you did to get your slot. Also could you show me your credentials like gpa, act/sat scores, and volunteers/awards? I'd really appreciate it!
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