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  • Once again, I need your advice, if you don't mind. I was working with my son to get his Go Army account started. In trying to go forward to look at the application/process for the National ROTC Scholarship, we don't get very far in and it wants to "Contact Recruiter" and goes no farther. I don't understand why we would contact a recruiter when he is going to college on the ROTC path?
    I do not believe the the scholarship application has opened yet for this years process, I could be wrong. If your unable to access the application you may try calling the Recruiting Officer at UNG to see if the application has opened for this year and see if there is a glitch with the online app. Wish I could give you a better answer.
    That is a possibility - that it hasn't opened. I thought that I'd read it opened in June, but a more local ROTC commander asked my son in an email if he'd applied for the scholarship yet, which confused me.
    Thanks for your help. I know he has plenty of time to apply, just wanted to take a look at the application process, if it was available.
    You always have excellent advice, both on here and Army Ask a Soldier. My son really wants to attend UNG, we have visited, decision is made. He was diagnosed with asthma very young, but we really don't believe he has it, so we have been making plans for the Spirometry test in preparation for a DQ from DODMERB.

    Then just now, I read a post on Ask a Soldier that just shot everything out of the water. AR 40-501 2-14b Absence of One or both testicles, either congenital or undescended does not meet the standard. DS had an undescended testicle at birth, which was removed at age one.

    My question is, since we are not in a time of war, and with the defense cuts, there is probably no chance whatsoever of getting in with this condition is there? Is there any reason at all to go ahead with plans, ie applying for the scholarship, only to be denied?
    Hi, I've been on these boards for years...mostly lurking, but posting when I felt I could add some input. I really thought I knew enough a lot about the process (My husband and I were both Army ROTC '86, a son who tried it for a year and didn't stick with it, a daughter commissioning in May and another son who is an MSII), but I am really stuck on my son who just got awarded a 4 year and I was hoping if I gave you details you would give me some input or possibly send me to someone who might help. Thanks and let me know if that would be okay...I didn't feel comfortable putting it out in the forum.
    Thanks, Moreen
    should we assume that since daughter's page hasn't changed that she didn't get selected for scholarship? Have to make a decision by May 1 on which school to attend, BU or Fordham...
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