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  • I got a 670 CR and 640 math, I have a 3.7 gpa I think... (I have been homeschooled and my community college GPA is the same as my 'high school' one, I think this is probably part of the problem) I have Calc, physics, and this semester i'm taking Calc II physics II and chemistry... I also have a pilot license...

    Saw your post in the thread you just started. Hold is not necessarily a bad thing. It literally means that you are fully qualified they are just in the process of ranking you in your state so hang tight and don't give up yet!

    Does being nominated by a congressman with only one other person, like in your case, better your chances of getting an appointment? I thought that you were competing against others in your state and not your district.

    Do you mind sharing some of your stats with me just for comparisons sakes? SAT or ACT and GPA (both college and high school)? I'm in a similar situation as you transferring from college right now.

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